Wednesday, June 30, 2010

practice The Practice

Our Mission: To enable transformation of consciousness for humankind using the Internet.

Join the Consciousness Experiment!

practice The Practice Mission

Our mission: We are committed to individual and collective awakening to conscious awareness through combining The Practice of self inquiry and Brain Computer Interface (BCI) technology.

As a group of individuals with a vision, we invite you to join us in this experiment…”How do we bring transformation of consciousness to humankind through the Internet?”

It is our hope that this invitation attracts others who see, as we do, this possibility of transforming consciousness by empowering individuals to learn how to expand and control their emotional palette. We believe transformation of consciousness is possible for millions of people by practicing simple evolutionary mental exercises.  When done correctly, we learn to distinguish the finite physical form from the infinite formless and practice to surrender our identification to our physical body.  Through The Practice we can become aware of our true nature.

Deep within all of us is an impulse to improve, to evolve. The consciousness of the human race is forever evolutionary. When we meditate we cultivate discernment. We begin to shift our identification away from the conversation in our head that interprets what we experience to the observer of the thoughts, sensations and images that arise. Stepping outside of judgment, we allow each moment to be what it is.

Within every human being is a biological mechanism than can be safely accessed to shift our emotional states (hormonal orientation) away from fear to safety and trust. With practice, we can regularly elicit this state of safety and trust. Over time we will experience biochemical changes that will appear as gratitude, compassion, openness, curiosity and basic trust. Eventually we will begin to recognize our unconscious identification with fear and separation while increasing our self-awareness by practicing every day.

Neuronets are habit patterns in which fear is recorded and recalled. Neurons that fire together wire together – and cluster together in patterns. Our consciousness is shaped by these recalled patterns we call memory. The images, conversations and sensations from the past, merged with the present become our reality. Unless we learn to observe, we are at the affect of all remembered and felt experience. We can learn to step outside and observe the arising of our own felt memory – as the Observer. Otherwise, we will always be victim to habituated patterns.

We all have this capacity to overcome our reptilian fear nature, to evolve our individual and collective human consciousness and to change the play of life from fear to joy. Thousands have been teaching meditation by trial and error. Through understanding cognitive neuroscience and the introduction of neurofeedback, new possibilities for raising consciousness are within our reach.

We invite you to join with us in this experiment in raising the consciousness of humankind. We believe practicing every day will raise consciousness making a positive difference in the lives of millions.

Click here to RSVP for the next Free Introduction Conference Call on Thursday, July 15th, 2010..

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