Saturday, April 23, 2011

You have always been in control -- reality check anyone?

We experience all reality through our personal filters, our individual nervous systems. Yes, there is something you can do about your filters. You can choose your reality, reality is what you identify with. Slow down, notice and observe. You have always been in control, you just didn't know it. ~ Eric

Friday, April 22, 2011

Participating in the evolutionary process - brain plasticity.

The brain is randomly going about changing all the time. We can, with practice, become a participant - we can influence the change. We can participate in our own evolutionary process.
~ Eric

We have the ability to choose how we occur!

We have the ability to shift our emotions at will. With practice we get better and more skilled at choosing how we occur. ~ Eric

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Inspiring show last night with special guest @Dr.RickHanson, author of @BuddhasBrain - click here for the replay

and learn the power of the neuro-chemistry of sex and love and what's possible: "LOVE, SEX & INTIMACY ON THE BRAIN"


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Announcing Alpha-I -- Please 'Like us' and 'Share'

Hi Everyone,

Practice the Practice is undergoing a ‘facelift’. We are working on our new website and we’ve created a Facebook Community Page ‘Alpha-I’ – Please ‘Like’ us and ‘Share’ us with others.

Thank you,


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Optimum health -- it's my immune system, it's my choice.

I realize that by practicing specific posture and breathing techniques I can safely send clear signals to my mind-body to regulate my immune system. With daily Alpha-i mindfulness practice, I can influence my metabolic rate which triggers natural healing processes in appropriate safe ways that restores my immune system to optimum performance. I am committed to giving my immune system every opportunity to rest and to heal itself. I choose to live a full healthy life. ~ Eric